Why are artists' interviews so important? In an archival sense, they serve as a primary document of intention and the creative work of the artist. In the realm of art history and criticism, artists' interviews hold a unique and indispensable position. These dialogues, often seen as casual conversations, offer deep insights into the creative mind. Understanding why artists' interviews are so important requires delving into their role as both records of intention and reflections of the creative process.
Image: My setup while in Lisbon. I reviewed files and our documentation first before writing my interview questions. Studying up before an interview is vital!
One of the primary reasons artists' interviews are so valuable is that they provide a direct window into the artist's intentions. Art is a form of communication, but unlike a straightforward conversation, Belén’s message is conveyed through her sculptures and glass work. Interviews allow artists to articulate their thoughts, inspirations, and objectives in their own words. Providing their own context can significantly enrich our understanding of their work. Beyond intentions, artists' interviews often delve into the creative process itself. I was intentional in going about this- asking about certain steps in both the creation and potential destruction of pieces. They not only shed light on the finished product but also highlight the journey and experimentation that lead to it. Artists' interviews also play a critical role in preserving the cultural and historical context of their work. Art does not exist in a vacuum; it is often a response to the social, political, and personal milieu of the time. Interviews capture these contexts, providing future researchers with a richer, more comprehensive understanding of both.