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The Writing Process, Pt 2

I have aired out my anxieties, now what? Where should I start? I think taking Belén’s advice and using the interview as a basis will lead to the best result for the publication. 

While the interview was for the archive, it also served as essential research for understanding her as an artist. Belén has two previous publications, with the first focused on a timeline of her early work. Similarly, I’ll use the archive materials to document a timeline of her finished pieces, from initial ideas in journal notes to the final works. The process would highlight stages like inspiration from studio objects and the working phases of plaster molding.

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During our brainstorming, Belén brought up her long-time fascination with Ikea catalogs. She’s intrigued by how they present everyday objects in a way that feels accessible yet aspirational—something she tries to achieve in her own work. We thought of using this as inspiration for the publication, organizing her process like a catalog might, from raw materials and early sketches to the final exhibition pieces.

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Instead of assembling furniture, we’d be "assembling" a work of art. The catalog layout would walk readers through the stages, making the process clear and engaging, with exhibition photos acting like a showroom display for her completed works. This blend of process and product, much like a catalog, gives the viewer a deeper appreciation for both the craft and the final piece.

By combining this approach with insights from the interview, I hope to create a publication that’s visually playful and unique while also giving a detailed look at Belén’s work from start to finish.

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